The Besa Platform Team has created the following template to ensure all Experiences and Shifts that are posted on the platform are consistent for an optimum Volunteer User Experience.
Experience Copy Guidelines
About the Volunteer Experience (Use Heading Feature in Rich Text Editor-no space needed after the heading)
Join Besa and the Van Buren Shelter to uplift several hundred shelter guests with a Valentine's Day dinner! As a volunteer, you will share the love and serve a V-Day meal to shelter guests!(1-3 sentences describing the experience)
(1 space)
About the Organization (Use Heading Feature in Rich Text Editor-no space needed after the heading)
The Van Buren Emergency Shelter plays a critical role in ending homelessness in Franklin County. The YMCA-operated facility embraces a Housing First approach, offers immediate and low barrier access to anyone facing a housing crisis, and measures shelter performance in order to improve results. Click here for more information about the Van Buren Shelter and the amazing work they do.(1-2 sentences including a link for them to find out more about the Nonprofit)
Shift Copy Guidelines
About the Shift (Use Heading Feature in Rich Text Editor-no space needed after the heading)
Join Besa and the Van Buren Shelter to uplift several hundred shelter guests with a Valentine's Day dinner! (0-1 sentence)
(1 space)
- Volunteers must be 18 years or older to participate.
- All volunteers must wear a face mask while inside the Van Buren Shelter. Details of the mask mandate can be viewed below.
- All volunteers must watch a short video about safe serving and cross-contamination before you arrive for your shift. Click here to watch now.
- Please dress in comfortable attire that you don't mind getting dirty– closed-toe shoes are required.
- Upon arrival, volunteers may enter through the main doors next to the mural.
- Surface lot parking is available at several locations around the shelter– please review the attached parking map: VanBuren_ParkingMap.jpg
- This opportunity is ADA accessible.
- Court-appointed volunteering: At this time, we can not accept court-appointed requests.
Other Reminders!
- Bullet point information regarding the shift itself should only be on the shift page.
- You can have a shift specific photo and an experience photo if applicable.
- Proof your work! The rich text editor can look different than the actual site, we recommend to go back and look after saving.
- Covid-19 language is no longer needed.
- Headings are displayed with the "tT" icon within our rich text editor. It is also capable of adding .pdf .doc .docx .jpg .jpeg .gif and .png attachments by selecting the paper clip icon.